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Zlatan Ibrahimovi: How can the European Cup without me!

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Послано - 17 Окт 2015 :  06:10:23  Показать инфо об авторе  Ответить с цитатой

Due to [url=http://www.fifacoinson.com/]fifa coins[/url] the third place in the group , Sweden need to enter the European Cup qualifying stage, and their home star Ibrhimovic is confident with the additional game , he said he will lead the team into the European Cup next year. But Paris Saint Germain coach Laurent Blanc has said in an interview that Ibrahim may leave the team next year, and AC Milan is one of his choices.
AC Milan has invited Ibrahimovic to [url=http://www.fifacoinson.com/]fifa 16 coins[/url] return to the San Siro this the summer, but Paris's attitude is very tough. After the start of the new season, Paris and Ibrahimovic's new contract work has not been carried out, which means he is likely to be a free body in the summer, and Galliani and [url=http://www.fifacoinson.com/]buy fifa coins[/url]Berlusconi's love to Ibrahimovic,they will invite him again. Ibrahimovic also has the potential to be a big league of the United States, which depends on his own will. [url=http://www.fifacoinson.com/]cheap fifa coins[/url]

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