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British media: Selection are still investing near interest to Benzema

British media: Selection are still investing near interest to Benzema

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2 сообщений
Послано - 12 Авг 2015 :  04:55:45  Показать инфо об авторе  Ответить с цитатой
According to fifa coins the idea of British media Representation, Selection is vey passionate about Benzema, but not going to pay the existing that required by Real The town. Although it was defeated by European Ham by 0-2 in the first round of Major Team, Wenger will not go into the return market in stress and invest significant amounts of fifa 16 coins money.

Mirror revealed that although there were a lot of modify rumours about Selection, the team experts did not meet Benzema or Real The town a few several weeks ago. The exclusive conditions is that Selection keeps interest in Benzema, but will not meet Real Madrid's bid price for buy fifa 16 coins the Frenchman who will be at the age of 28 many decades of age in Dec.

It is revealed that what Wenger most engaged is not Cech’s bad first overall look but the situation that the crew's midfield is suffering from now. In the scenario of Kirkland losing self-discipline, it indicates that Wenger may make a complicated choice between Aaron Ramsey and Santiago Cazorla.

In addition, Wenger has always been highly effective that they do not need a midfielder. What he engaged in fifa 16 account the return market is only the possible signings of the forward position.

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